28 awesome Young Farmer tweets to celebrate the YFC movement
It is National Young Farmers’ Week, a time where we come together and celebrate all that makes YFC such an exciting and unique part of young people’s lives.
With more than 24,500 members and 619 clubs, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) is one of the largest rural youth organisations in the UK.
All this week (18-24 September) thousands of members are proudly and loudly banging the drum of the “YFC army” to encourage newbies to sign up and raise awareness of the amazing stuff they get up to.
See also: 25 pieces of advice for 25-year-old farmers
We’ve cherry-picked 28 Young Farmer tweets which we think perfectly explain why being a member is so great and will leave you in no doubt that YFC does it best.
FW and YFC: The perfect farming team
If you’re not already a member and would like to join or find out more, head over to the NFYFC website.
If you’re already a YFC member you can get 35% off your Farmers Weekly subscription and if you are a student we will give you 50% off. Just head over to our subscriptions page for more details.
Make mates and memories
The first couple years being in YFC have been the best off my life – Bring on the next 10 years!! #NationalYoungFarmersWeek pic.twitter.com/XA8QkVCNkv
— Bea Hodge (@bea_hodge) September 19, 2017
So we’re halfway through #nationalyoungfarmersweek ? here’s a few of our past and current members loving life at annual convention ?@NFYFC pic.twitter.com/lNvQ1VBJG7
— Vale O Lune YFC (@ValeYFC) September 20, 2017
Pennine YFC enjoying #NationalYoungFarmersWeek ? The best organisation for making friends and memories ?#yfdoitbest @NFYFC @CumbriaYFC pic.twitter.com/eGnUJwgmcy
— Pennine YFC (@PennineYfc) September 19, 2017
12 fab years in #yfc – best make my last one count! Happy #NationalYoungFarmersWeek fun, friends, skills & community for life! ???? pic.twitter.com/34X0Ke13D6
— Tori Morgan (@ToriMorgan91) September 19, 2017
the best few years ?????? pic.twitter.com/mRc0LHA0Tq— ak (@kellow_abby) September 19, 2017
Happy #NationalYoungFarmersWeek
13th year as a Wick YFC member, and can honestly say YFC has changed my life #yfcfamily @NFYFC @WalesYFC ?? pic.twitter.com/tjdBzdK4UZ— Katie Jane Evans (@KatieJaneEvans) September 18, 2017
YFC friends network means there is always someone to help when you are stuck! These are some of the Eccy YFC lads working together #NYFW17 pic.twitter.com/hxGNGNcyps
— Farmers Of The UK (@FarmersOfTheUK) September 20, 2017
Thanks to YFC for more opportunities, friends and confidence than I ever could have dreamed of! #NYFW17 @NFYFC @DevonYFC @CulmValleyYFC pic.twitter.com/wA7JVCklW1
— Michelle Batting (@michellebatting) September 20, 2017
Go places
Travelling with YFC is the most incredible experience! Ive met people fro across Europe at the European Rally & recently Jamaica! #NYFW17 pic.twitter.com/KtXaQV6b8j
— Farmers Of The UK (@FarmersOfTheUK) September 20, 2017
Get competitive
#NationalYoungFarmersWeek #YFCforlife @NFYFC Netball Final 2017 representing @SomersetYFC #TeamSomerset pic.twitter.com/IQZfHrPgQF
— Nicola (@Nicola_A_Quick) September 19, 2017
This photo sums up Young Farmers for me! #friendship #learning #YFCdoitbest #NationalYoungFarmersWeek @Henley_YFC @NFYFC @FarmersWeekly @ pic.twitter.com/kFTtxtEUX9
— Alex Crump (@AlexCrump) September 20, 2017
An evening playing hockey ready for a #YF tournament on Sunday. #NationalYoungFarmersWeek #ongaryf
— Harry Mouland 🇬🇧 🚜 🌾 (@Farmer_Mooo) September 19, 2017
The best thing about YFC is all freinds you make and all the fun you have together from the AGM to competitions! #NationalYoungFarmersWeek pic.twitter.com/wpKHKdL9ES
— Clare Lawrence (Lawson) (@ClareLawson10) September 19, 2017
Got a lot of love for @NFYFC Would not be half the person I am without #young #farmers #nationalyoungfarmersweek pic.twitter.com/UbG1XTJEHd
— Megalarr♈̷ (@Meggihadley) September 18, 2017
Never stop learning new skills
You learn so many skills in YFC. Here's one of our boys competing in the fencing competition #yfcforlife #NYFW17 #NationalYoungFarmersWeek pic.twitter.com/iijBTlMbsr
— Howey YFC (@HoweyYFC) September 19, 2017
Chairing meetings, preparing agendas, writing minutes, presenting & public speaking, key work skills from @NFYFC #NationalYoungFarmersWeek
— Gareth Price (@gazwales10) September 21, 2017
Climb that career ladder
Finding your dream job isn't always easy but through friends at @hertsyfc and @NFYFC I found mine!! @Hopsls #yfcforlife pic.twitter.com/D1b2KyO6Rr
— James Watts (@Jamesfastrac) September 21, 2017
It’s #NationalYoungFarmersWeek! Here’s me celebrating last year – wouldn’t be where I am today without @NFYFC #ThanksToYFC ???? pic.twitter.com/Sm4gcqqirE
— Charlotte Cunningham (@CharCunningham) September 18, 2017
Big thanks to Meurig Raymond and @NFUtweets for support this #NationalYoungFarmersWeek and all year round! #yfcforlife pic.twitter.com/YZbzPTEK5p
— NFYFC (@NFYFC) September 20, 2017
YFC allows members to meet so many leaders within agriculture. Personal highlight was @fmwales @royalwelshshow #NationalYoungFarmersWeek
— Wales YFC Chair (@Chair_WalesYFC) September 21, 2017
There are so many networking opportunities with YFC and we must admit, we love a good social #yfcforlife #NationalYoungFarmersWeek pic.twitter.com/RFh73r9VSF
— Howey YFC (@HoweyYFC) September 20, 2017
Charity work
Raising £6700 in an afternoon for 3 charities close to @PencombeYFC, family & friends #nationalyoungfarmersweek #NYFW2017 @NFYFC pic.twitter.com/oCBCwDSPRs
— Megalarr♈̷ (@Meggihadley) September 19, 2017
Over the past year members have given more than 4,000 hours to support their local rural communities. #yfcforlife #nationalyoungfarmersweek pic.twitter.com/9u4jpInq5v
— NFYFC (@NFYFC) September 20, 2017
Our handover to @MAA_Charity & @LingenDavies donating £1455.36 to EACH #charity – Great effort from all members of the club! @SFYFC @NFYFC pic.twitter.com/VFQ7w1hlg1
— Dorrington YFC (@DorringtonYfc) September 20, 2017
Don’t have to be one, to be one
Day 2 of #nationalyoungfarmersweek . This statement couldn’t be more true. I’m not a farmer I’m an office worker. #Marchyfc ???? pic.twitter.com/sCAJY5eFP4
— March Young Farmers (@MarchYFC) September 19, 2017