Young farmers invited to apply for NI regenerative farming bursary

Young farmers with an interest in regenerative agriculture are being invited to apply for a new leadership development programme in Northern Ireland.
NextGen-ReRen 2024 aims to help young farmers to develop their understanding of regenerative farming, challenge the status quo and increase their business confidence.
This new programme is being facilitated by the Food Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) and funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.
See also: Regenerative agriculture: What does the evidence say?
It is designed to empower the next generation of regenerative farmers to build a new community of practice on the journey to a more sustainable future for food, farming and the countryside.
Farmers aged between 25 and 35 are being offered the chance to take up a £3,000 bursary place on a five-day residential course at Belle Isle Castle in Libellaw, County Fermanagh, from 26 February to 1 March 2024 and a following three-year programme.Â
Tutors and coaches for the NextGen-ReGen residential course include Joel Williams, Helen Keys, Heather Wildman, Professor John Barry and Ian Marshall, with many fantastic farmers providing their expertise, including Bronagh O’Kane, Blatnaid Gallagher, John Atkinson and Clive Bright.
The £3,000 cost for each of the 20 participants will be fully covered as a bursary to help kickstart a widescale transition to regenerative farming in Northern Ireland.
The residential course will be followed by eight one-day events over three years.
Applications close on Friday 15 December.