Disposal of land and buildings known as Terrington Farm, Terrington St Clement, Kings Lynn, Norfolk
Disposal of land and buildings known as Terrington Farm, Terrington St Clement, Kings Lynn, Norfolk
Land and buildings known as Terrington Farm, Terrington St Clement, Kings Lynn, Norfolk (the “Land”) is to become surplus to requirements and is being put forward for disposal by DEFRA. The Crichel Down Rules require Government Departments, under certain circumstances and subject to certain exceptions, to offer back surplus land to the former owner or successor in title at market value.
DEFRA wish to trace anyone who may fall within the definition of former owner or successor contained in the Crichel Down Rules. The Land was acquired under first a Conveyance dated 10th October 1949 between (1) F.C. Newling Esquire and (2) The Minister of Works, second a Conveyance dated 7th January 1971 between (1) The Personal Representative of Fredrick Moore Deceased and (2) The Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, third a Conveyance dated 6th December 1978 between (1) J.W Tebbs and Others and (2) The Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food and fourth a Conveyance dated 22nd February 1979 between (1) George Moore and (2) The Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food.
Former owners or their successor in title can contact Mr T Binley at the address below, in person or through their Solicitors or Agents by writing within two months of the date of publication of this notice to:
Mr T Binley, Principal Estates Surveyor, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Eastbury House, 30/34 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TL, Telephone: (020) 7238 6624, Email: trevor.binley@defra.gsi.gov.uk
Any successors in title should state and provide evidence of their relationship to former owners.