Building up an efficient herd
The herd, based on US and Danish bloodlines, averages 6500 litres at 5.87% fat and 3.66% protein.
The farm has developed to meet the needs of a large herd with a single span shed of 380 cubicles and a rotary parlour.
The Taylors have grown their herd using home-bred replacements. “We have set our sights on 400 cows averaging 7000 litres, but the herd has to make a profit, so we use the infrastructure as efficiently as possible,” says Mr Taylor.
This includes rearing youngstock at a separate unit from the age of four months, until they return three months before calving down at 21 months.
Mr Taylor believes an earlier calving means the heifers grow uniformly throughout their first and second lactations.
The main herd is managed as four groups – three based on yield, the fourth comprises fresh calvers and any hospital cows needing special treatment.
“We feed fresh calvers separately until they are about two weeks into their lactation. Post calving is a critical phase for Jerseys, as mineral deficiencies can challenge you,” he says.
To reach his target herd size, Mr Taylor would like to see Blodwell become a milking platform by moving dry cows off the unit.
There are also plans to take over a redundant farm and milk a second herd, using Blodwell Hall as a management centre.