White Rose Limousins show top performance

By Jeremy Hunt

PERFORMANCE-RECORDED Limousins providing 20 years of selected breeding by the east Yorks-based White Rose Limousin Group, sold to a top price of 3100gns at Borderway Mart, Carlisle.

And it was the last lot that achieved the day”s best call when W and G Hollow from Cornwall secured the group”s stock bull Pennys Nimrod (beef value 37). This 1997-bred son of Ronick Hawk is out of a dam by Rachels Eureka.

Jim Bloom, a member of the four-herd group, said: “He has Broadmeadows Cannon as his paternal grand-sire and his dam is a high performance cow. Nimrod”s figures gave us the high level of accuracy we need.” He is a trait leader for milk, muscle score and beef value.

The group”s achievements have created a genetic base consistently producing trait scores well above the breed average.

Stock from Mr Bloom”s Scorboro herd reached 2800gns for the June 2003-bred heifer Scorboro Unity (beef value 41). By Elrick Raketeer – sire of the 10,000gns 2004 Royal Show junior champion Scorboro Universe – she is out of a Maudleyn Andypandy dam and is ranked in the breed”s top 1% on performance.

Another Raketeer maiden heifer, Scorboro Una (beef value 29), made 2500gns to Orkney buyer R Curister. She is out of a Genereux dam.

Best for the Pennys herd of P and P Walker were four deals at 1800gns. The first came for a Greenwell Manager heifer with a beef value of 25 taken by J Adam, Argyll. Heading for Northern Ireland with G McCague was a Raketeer maiden heifer (beef value 34) while A Phillips, Reading, matched the bid for another Raketeer heifer (beef value 34). The fourth 1800gns call came from J and B Smith, Glasgow for a Raketeer daughter with a beef value of 33.

Averages (maiden and yearling heifers): Scorboro – 16 at 1414; Pennys -10 at 1449; Rachels – 10 at 702 (Harrison and Hetherington).
