7 must-have apps for dairy farmers

Whether you want help with recording cattle movements or managing grazing platforms, there’s a smartphone app available for almost any task.

Caroline Stocks takes a look at some of the most useful ones on the market for dairy farmers.

DSM Profit Calculator

DSM-appWhat it does: Designed to optimise the productive performance of dairy cows and increase herd profitability, the app shows potential financial benefits by making changes to a dairy system.

Farmers input their farm information and move the app’s sliders to see what shortening current calving interval and replacement rates could do to their bottom line.

The app also advice on how to improve reproductive performance and capture extra value.

Good for: Easily understanding the potential financial implications of making changes to calving interval and replacement rates.

Price: Free

Available on: iOS and Android

See also: 16 essential farming apps

Pro Milk Solids

promilk-appWhat it does: The app allows producers to generate and store precise milk solids data so they can compare and analyse milk solids performance from their phone.

Features include the ability to calculate milk solids per cow or per hectare or acre, define individual conversion rates, and build up a complete archive of data.

The app also allows farmers to compare date ranges to gauge performance and fluctuations. In-app purchases also allow users to enter and store somatic cell count and total bacterial count data.

Good for: Building up a complete archive of data, which can be quickly compared to gauge performance over any set period.

Price: £1.49, with some in-app purchases available for additional features including TCC and TBC recording.

Available on: iOS and Android


dairy-appWhat it does: Devised by Cumbrian diary farmer Kevin Beaty, who was frustrated he had to go to lots of different sources and trawl lots of information to find the dairy market data he needed, DairyApp provides the latest milk futures and global trade auction figures.

The thinking behind it comes from the advent of A&B price contracts – by having future-pricing producers can decide if they can afford to increase their B production, or to inform the debate on formula prices.

The app also includes a real-time news feed, which pulls together stories from key dairy news sources from around the world, as well as a feed featuring industry commentator Ian Potter’s blog.

Good for: Easy access to market data and providing an overview of dairy industry news.

Price: Free

Available on: iOS and Android


lamescore-appWhat it does: Lamescore aims to help combat lameness in cattle by helping farmers easily score cattle and share the data with herd managers and foot trimmers.

Devised by foot trimmers Freddie Spencer and Lizzy Bourne while they were students at Harper Adams, the app allows producers to input their own farm settings and record each cow’s ID and score.

Cows with a three score can be recorded, along with details of which leg is affected. There is also an option to identify animals with a two score as well, which could help catch problems early.

Once an observation is completed the results are emailed to the farmer, along with the cow IDs and the affected legs. The email can also be sent to the herd manager or foot trimmers.

Good for: Identifying lameness and being able to act quickly by sharing data with a herd manager or foot trimmer.

Price: £0.79

Available on: iOS

Purina Cool Cow

coolcow-appWhat it does: This app helps producers calculate the potential for heat stress in their indoor herds by translating temperature and humidity levels into a temperature humidity index reading.

The reading shows the severity of heat stress, ranging from mild to extreme risk, helping producers manage conditions in their cattle sheds.

The app also offers tips on mitigating heat stress from management to nutrition.

Good for: Quickly assessing any health risks in any temperature.

Price: Free

Available on: Android

Freestall assessor

freestall-appWhat it does: Develped by the University of Wisconsin’s School of veterinary medicine, this app evaluates the designs of freestalls to see if they are suitable for a herd.

Farmers input stall dimensions, divider types, freestall alignments and cow size, and the app will indicate how well the stalls accommodate the cows.

Good for: Seeing how different stall designs will work without having to physically build them.

Price: £2.29

Available on: iOS

Arla forage budgeting app

arla-appWhat it does: This app calculates the total forage available in both fresh weight and dry matter from clamped and additional baled forage.

Farmers input the forage required to feed livestock during housed periods, and the app determines if there is enough forage available to feed the cattle.

Good for: Helping to plan winter forage requirements.

Price: Free

Available on: iOS and android