Protein switch saves money

Livestock farmers can cut costs by switching from high-priced rapemeal to protein enriched molasses products as an alternative protein source, according to SvGÂ Intermol’s Phil Holder.
With spot rape prices of more than ÂŁ140/t, both Regumaize 44 and 65 are not only cheaper but also supply protein, on an ERDP basis, at a lower cost a unit. “As rapemeal is £140/t, the ERDP unit cost equates to ÂŁ6.25. However, both Regumaize varieties works out to be considerably lower, at ÂŁ5.32 and ÂŁ3.93 respectively.
“Put in another context, to supply the same amount of ERDP as rapemeal, then Regumaize 44 is worth ÂŁ150/t and Regumaize 65 is worth ÂŁ220,” he adds.
Coupled with regulated release protein, Regumaize products are an excellent source of sugar, containing about 55% compares to only 9% in rapemeal. The palatability of mollasses based products enhances feed intakes, and the low substitution rates maximise use of home grown feeds.