8 of our favourite lambing photos so far

Lambing has sure kicked off across the British Isles and we’re enjoying seeing all the photos on social media and in our inboxes.

Fingers crossed the forecast improves, so it’s a bit easier on the sheep and the shepherds and shepherdesses.

Please do share your shots with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Here are a few of the photos that have caught our eyes so far…

1. Quad squad

The ewe is tired, but well and all four lambs are very lively.

“She was scanned for triplets, and didn’t look exceptionally big, so the fourth lamb was a surprise!” said Jemma Harding, who runs more than 500 ewes with an indoor- and outdoor-lambing flock in Dorset.

2. The lamb pram

It’s always good to see mini shepherds and shepherdesses getting involved. Imogen plays her part in Gelston, Lincolnshire.

3. Never too young

Charlie Deighton with lamb and his mum and dad

14-month-old Charlie Deighton is clearly very happy in the lambing shed at his granny and  grandad’s farm in Yorkshire. He is pictured beaming here with his dad, Richard, and mum Gemma.

4. Texel turnout

This shearling pedigree Texel was happy to get to grass with her ram lamb in Buckinghamshire, alongside some of the 800 North Country Mules the Harrison brothers are currently lambing.

5. Greedy ewes


This shot of lambs learning all the tricks is from Fairfax Ryelands, Ryeland & Coloured Ryeland sheep breeders in Shropshire.

6. Keeping cosy

Snug as a sleepy bug in a rug.

7. Counting down

And while lambing is in full swing for many farmers, lots will be grateful they have not yet started, considering the weather this week.

8. Noisy lambs

We know we said we had picked eight pictures, but we couldn’t resist sneaking this video in.

The Cornish Lamb Company is a family team of first-generation farmers producing pasture-fed lamb in Porthleven.

According to Twitter reports, all lambs are mothering up well. And in case you are wondering, the trailer is a home-built contraption.