Health status of pigs revealed by BPEX survey

The health status of pigs in Yorkshire and Humberside has been highlighed, with enzootic pneumonia and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome two of the most common disease on farm.
As part of the Yorkshire and Humberside Health programme 375 pig producers have been surveyed by vets, with 233 declaring to be in production and almost all of the them giving permission to record whether or not four important disease were present on their units.
Enzootic pneumonia was present on 141 of the units and PRRS on 136 of the units. Swine dysentery was recorded on 11 of the units and mange on eight units.
The units represented more than 28,000 sows and more than 206,000 finishing place, says BPEX health co-ordinator Helen Clarke. “These figures cover weaner producers, breed to finish and finishing units, so the data gives us a good indication of disease prevalence across the regions.
“Armed with this knowledge, producers which have signed up to the YHH scheme can make much more effective decisions on how to manage biosecurity and improve pig health for the long term, which ultimately leads to higher physical herd performance and a more profitable business,” she adds.
More information is being collated as new producers sign up and it is hoped producers will continue to encourage their vets to fill in surveys after each quarterly visit to ensure information available is accurate and up to date and of most benefit to all.
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