False alarm over foot-and-mouth in Lancs

DEFRA has confirmed that a suspected case of foot-and-mouth in Lancs has proved to be a false alarm.

A spokesman said the alarm bell was raised at an abattoir on Thurs (Sept 29) because of suspicions over a Belgian Blue Steer.

The abattoir was closed while vets inspected the animal more closely, but it turned out that it had a foot infection.

However, as a precaution vets also inspected two animals which had come from the same farm as the steer, while they were at Gisburn Market.

A spokesperson for Gisburn Market said the suspected case was an animal from a farm near Harrogate in Yorkshire, which had been sold through the market and transported to Oldham near Manchester on 29 September.

“It has been declared negative and restrictions were lifted within three hours of the suspected problem.”