Pigs can meet cross-compliance regulations

Outdoor pigs are compatible with cross-compliance, so long as they are properly managed, says DEFRA.

Some farmers and landowners had been reluctant to let land to outdoor pig producers fearing production would fall foul of cross- compliance. But, after discussions, DEFRA has reassured the pig industry that outdoor production won’t immediately breach cross-compliance rules.

DEFRA’s confirmation of this is welcome, as doubts have led some not to let land to pig producers, says Central Association of Agricultural Valuers secretary Jeremy Moody. “With this support from DEFRA, farmers and landowners should take advice and look on outdoor pigs as an enterprise which can provide value for both.”

But to ensure they do not fall foul of the rules, National Pig Association chairman Stewart Houston advises outdoor pig producers to draw up a soil management plan (SMP) as soon as possible.

“SMPs will become compulsory in the near future, but they are straightforward to produce and will help demonstrate a professional approach to land management.”

Thetford, Norfolk-based Farmer Focus contributor Chris Fogden says he is still assessing what needs doing to meet cross-compliance. “But, with all my land taken on two-year farm business tenancies, there is no danger of my activities affecting my landlord’s single farm payment,” he says.

“The main problem is likely to be preventing run-off, but, hopefully, this can be overcome with sensible paddock siting, stocking densities and some buffer strips.”

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