Producers asked to help shape pig welfare scheme

Pig farmers with a particular interest in animal welfare are invited to take part in a research project, the results of which will be used to help design future funding schemes.

Agricultural and environmental consultancy Adas is working with the University of Bristol and the Royal Agricultural University to assess ways of incentivising better welfare on pig farms.

The research is being funded by Defra and will be used to inform development of future voluntary funding schemes to help pig producers improve animal welfare on their farms.

See also: How realistic is free-farrowing for the UK pig industry?

Researchers would like to speak to producers who have any of the following:

  • Free-farrowing systems
  • Temporary crate systems
  • Pigs with intact tails
  • Straw-bedded systems

Producers will need to fill out a short online survey about their farming system and welfare enhancements and take part in a follow-up call with a researcher to discuss costs and welfare benefits in more detail.

“If you are willing to discuss your experience with us and provide access to your welfare and performance records, we can pay £100 for your time,” says Adas livestock consultant Jon Walton.

All data will remain confidential and any farms taking part will not be identifiable in the results.