Police defend decision to shoot cow

Police in Lincolnshire have defended a decision to shoot and kill a runaway cow which escaped from a field into the nearby town of Grantham.

Marksmen using rifles shot the Belgian Blue cow four times after they cornered it in the grounds of a primary school.

It marked the end of a four-mile long pursuit on Tuesday, 26 March. The chase involved 12 police officers using six vehicles. Children and school staff were evacuated while the cow was killed.

Members of the public criticised the police for being heavy-handed and questioned why the animal had to be shot dead.

Much of the criticism was posted on a Facebook page Grantham Runaway Cow RIP which attracted more than 2,000 likes within hours of the incident.

But a Lincolnshire Constabulary spokesman said while it was regrettable the cow had been killed the animal had become a danger to the public.

Superintendent Phil Vickers said: “We tried everything we could to capture the animal, but it became increasingly distressed, aggressive and unpredictable.

“Our first priority at all times was for public safety,” Supt Vickers said.

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