British Lion launches new egg initiative

British Lion eggs has launched two new intiatives to help raise the profile of eggs.
The organisation has partnered anti-waste lobby group WRAP in its Love Food Hate Waste campaign, to highlight the role of eggs in using up leftovers and reducing waste. It is supporting the campaign by introducing a dedicated “leftovers and budget meals” section to its website
“Because eggs are naturally versatile and can turn leftovers into quick and nutritious meals in minutes, they can make a big difference to the amount of food consumers end up throwing away,” said British Egg Industry Council chairman Andrew Joret.
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“With the new section on the website providing recipe inspiration, it has never been easier for consumers to make the most of leftovers and minimise waste.”
In another initiative, British Lion eggs has teamed up with leading blogger organisation BritMums to search for 12 top bloggers to act as ambassadors for cooking with eggs.
The so-called “BritMums Short Cut Eggsperts” will receive three recipe-based challenges a year and will also be encouraged, along with the rest of the BritMums community, to create tasty egg-based meals and time-saving egg tips to share with their followers.
They will also be involved in live online Q&A sessions.