New products for poultry farmers

Air inlet throws air far into the shed

These air inlets boast a patented air delivery system – once the flaps open past a point, a second gap appears at the bottom, which the firm says deflects some air downwards to create “a nice rolling effect”. It adds that the curve of the fans create a deeper “throw” of air into the shed.

The X-stream air inlet is recommended for broiler houses smaller than 24m across. Its frame is 40mm thick and filled with high-grade EPS insulation, and the blades are made from a durable plastic, says Tulderhof.

Smoke demonstration videos are available on the company’s website.

Sensor shines a light on dirty water

A small sensor that sits on drinking lines and constantly beams light into the water as it flows through the device is available from Impex.

It can detect if the water has become cloudy or polluted. It will then send this information to a receiver in the service room of the shed, which will indicate just how unclear with a graded set of LEDs.

If one or more of the orange lights flash, it’s time to flush the system.

Lighting Kit puts comfort foremost

Dilaco-LightingWith the “agro high power led spot”, and its partnering control computer, it’s possible to set a lighting regime for the entire life cycle of a bird, says Dilaco.

It adds that the LEDs used in the lights are a particularly high frequency; meaning birds – whose eyes are more sensitive than humans’ – are more comfortable. It also says that it can dim and brighten the lights during dusk-to-dawn routines, flicker free – another consideration for birds’ comfort.

Full-face respirator gives dust protection

Purelite-Xstream-RespiratorThis Xstream respirator protects the lungs, face and eyes from dust, and manufacturers Purelite say it’s “far superior” to disposable dust masks. The device is battery run, with a standard life of four hours (upgradeable to eight) and it uses replaceable filters.

Continuous vent ridge is light on weight

Cembrits-ridge-ventilationManufacturer Cembrit says it’s fibre cement ridge vent is half the weight of the more common concrete or clay ridge covering, easier to install and will last longer.

It’s sold in blue or black, and comes in four different angles to suit different roof pitches and has a free air capacity of 5,880mm sq, which exceeds the BS 5250 standard, says the firm.

Novel feeder pan expands as birds grow

SKApanfeederDistributed in the UK by ELM, the SKA feeder pan, named Eos, will adapt not only to height as the birds grow, but its surface area will expand.

This is thanks to a cover that lifts as the pan does, revealing a larger feed area, giving more access for bigger birds. The manufacturer says there are six settings for the pans, which adjust automatically as the pans are lifted.

The change in size means that chicks can’t climb into the pans when they’re young and contaminate feed, but there’s more access when broilers have grown bigger.

Victorsson Litterman sweeps up rubbish

litterman2It’s not a Dalek; but it certainly looks and moves like one. The Litterman muck cleaner is pushed along the floor of a hen house and will suck up any litter in its path, before throwing it on to the manure belt.

It’s battery operated and can be moved between sheds and tiers relatively easily – meaning it will also come in handy for clearing pathways in the snow (after a good cleaning).

Video demonstration available at the company website.



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