Oaklands Farm Eggs merges with Birchgrove

Egg packer Oaklands Farm Eggs has taken another step towards its goal of offering Welsh origin eggs across the whole of the principality, having acquired Birchgrove Eggs, based near Aberystwyth.

The deal sees Oaklands taking over the Birchgrove brand – sold in distinctive green, red and blue boxes – developed by Tony and Gwen Burgess over the past 30 years.

The eggs are packed on the Burgess’s own farm on the west coast, with eggs supplied by four local contract producers, who between them have about 25,000 layers of mixed breeds.

See also: Oaklands Farm Eggs wins Welsh Lidl listing

A joint statement indicated that it would be “business as usual”, with existing producer contracts maintained, and an emphasis on growing the brand and extending the market. “We wish to reassure all customers they should see no change to their ordering or delivery systems,” it said.

“The core values of family-owned farming businesses are shared, and this will help us achieve the Oaklands’ mission, of making Welsh eggs available to everyone in Wales.”

The acquisition adds the Birchgrove brand to the company’s existing Hafod and Pride of Wales brands, sold in Tesco’s stores in Wales.

Oaklands is the country’s largest colony egg producer, and takes free-range eggs from another 40-50 contracted egg producers. It currently packs about 40,000 cases a week at each of its three packing centres – at Ruabon near Wrexham, Wem in Shropshire and Holdsworthy in Devon.

Oaklands Farm Eggs was awarded the Farmers Weekly Poultry Farmer of the Year award in 2010, while Birchgrove won the same award in 2006.

 * Take part in the 2015 Farmers Weekly Awards as we search for the Poultry Farmer of the Year.

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