Scottish poultry farm blaze kills 2,000 chickens

A blaze at a poultry shed in the Brodie area of Forres, Scotland, has resulted in the death of 2,000 chickens.

Scotland Fire and Rescue Service were called to the farm about 7pm on Tuesday 14 January, to find a shed on fire. A spokesman for the service said it had been warned that there were propane cylinders inside the building.

He added that firefighters in breathing apparatus were able to bring the fire under control before the cylinders were affected, and crews used thermal imaging to check the building was safe.

This is the third disaster to hit poultry farms across the UK in a number of weeks. In December a tidal surge flooded sheds killing 700,000 birds in Lincolnshire and, later that month, a fire broke out in a 16,000-bird unit in Shropshire.

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