Vet attestation compliance for export comes into force

Farmers needing to prove they are compliant with new vet attestation requirements will be sent proof generated online from their visiting vet.

This is according to Livestock Information (LI), which says the system and the digitally generated vet attestation numbers (VAN) will be incorporated into a Livestock Information Service (LIS) used to digitally record sheep movements.

A new Defra requirement for non-farm assured holdings to hold a vet attestation to export into the EU food chain came into force on Wednesday (13 December). 

See also: Deadline for pre-export ‘vet checks’ on farms approaches

How to find out more

Speak to your vet about getting your vet attestation today. View the guidance on the Livestock Information website to learn more

How it will work

  1. Vet visits the farm – this can take place as part of routine farm vet visit
  2. Farm visit completed – all livestock species on farm are considered and biosecurity in relation to notifiable disease is assessed
  3. Vet logs on to LIS (Livestock Information System) and logs in with RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) credentials
  4. Logs the attestation on the LIS system
  5. System produces a report and generates a “VAN” (veterinary attestation number)– these can be produced by an annual health and welfare (“Pathway”) visit.
  6. Farmers must then be sent copy of record and VAN
  7. Abattoir logs in to LIS and can view, print or save the vet attestation record for each specific animal or view the status of a farm
  8. Farmer must provide VAN number on the Food Chain Information (FCI) documents accompanying the animal or batch of animals when movements are recorded or sent to abattoir.

How to sign up

Sign up to the LIS for free. Create an account on LIS