Bomford unveils new Raptor flail mowers

Hedge-and-verge specialist Bomford has introduced a new range of flail verge mowers.
Available in three working widths – 1.2m, 1.6m or 2m – the Raptor range is suitable for use with tractors as small as 40hp. Weights range from 640kg to 840kg for the largest.
Built into the main frame is a linkage that allows the mower to be hydraulically offset by up to 750mm, keeping the tractor wheels clear of the ditch to reduce the chance of toppling in.
With a top speed of 45m/second, the heavy-duty flail should manage grass and scrub up to 35mm thick.
The Raptor can be used over a 140° arc (from +90° to -50°) and a 150mm diameter roller is fitted on the back.
A front-mounted version is also available.
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