NAAC prepares for biannual conference

Every two years, the NAAC holds a conference and exhibition that gives the contracting industry a chance to get together and talk over key topics.

This year’s event, on 11 December at the East of England Showground, Peterborough, will cover subjects such as cashflow, staffing and the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA).

“We have a fantastic line-up of speakers, plus an impressive exhibition hall to give land-based contractors a pre-Christmas treat,” says the NAAC’s executive officer, Jennifer Donn.

NAAC conference details

This event promises to provide a stimulating, interesting and, I hope, fun day at what is the only event in the UK aimed solely at the country’s agricultural contractors.

This year we have an excellent line-up of high-profile speakers led by Meurig Raymond, deputy president of the NFU, in what should be a lively, focused and interactive debate based around this year’s theme.

Also, the afternoon will give an opportunity to network and see industry-leading exhibitors showcasing their machinery and services. Troy Stuart, A E Stuart and Sons, Exeter

  • When Wednesday 11 December 2013, 9.15am
  • Where East of England Showground, Peterborough
  • Who The event is aimed at anyone who does contracting
  • Cost Free to NAAC members; £35/person for non-members
  • To book call 08456 448 750 or email

“There is no other UK event focused entirely on contractors and this year we are going all out to make sure everyone is able to take something away from the day.”

The conference will be held in the morning with high-profile speakers focusing on subjects relevant to the contracting audience, she adds.

As well as NFU deputy president Meurig Raymond providing the keynote speech, HSBC’s head of agriculture Allan Wilkinson will be talking about prospects for agricultural growth, and JCB’s head of finance Nigel Greenaway will talk about the AIA.

Another key issue affecting contractors is finding and retaining labour, which will be covered by Farmers Weekly Contractor of the Year finalists Jonathan West and Will Clarke of Kent-base contractors FGS.

After lunch, contractors will have the afternoon to network, as well as see demonstrations and get new information and advice on a one-to-one basis from exhibitors, says Mrs Donn.

The NAAC says that it will have some 30 exhibitors, from advisory bodies to manufacturers. These will cover specialist services and machinery for contractors, including JCB, Challenger, Claas, Krone and New Holland. Several crop protection companies will also be there, such as Bayer and Dow AgroSciences.

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