Trimming grass verges proves a sticky situation

These two pics have been sent in by Paul Barnett, he’s managed to get into some tricky situations when trimming hedges and grass verges.
The first one shows what happened when he was working at a sewage plant in Hertfordshire for Thames water.
He was aiming to head over and trim a bank at the far side of the site.
“It was the middle of summer and as I went across the field, unknown to me, Thames water had a problem with the filtering plant and for 4 months had been pumping water onto the field…”
Within seconds the Aebi was sunk, the window providing the only exit route for Paul.
After several attempts to pull it out with a large tractor, in came a telehandler to lift up the Aebi and pull it out.
The second scenario came after cutting a steep bank of the New river in north London, where he had worked for two days without any problems, Paul says he only had a strip four foot wide and 20 feet long to do….
“I lost it… slipping down into a wet area, no amount of diff-locks, brakes or four-wheel steer could help,” he says.
With no access for a vehicle on the bank the only way out was a using a hi-ab over the cemetery fence after clearing the trees.
If you’ve captured a hilarious act of machine wrecking on camera then send your snaps (plus your contact details) and a brief description of the situation) to
Please remember to include a brief description of the situation so we can do your story justice.