£10,000to be won with
£10,000to be won with
WELCOME to FARMERS WEEKLYs new Scratchmatch game. Each week for the next eight weeks, we will be giving away £1000 plus the chance to win £2000 in our prize draw at the end of the competition.
Scratchmatch is free to enter and simple to play. So why not try your luck this week?
How to play
Each week FARMERS WEEKLY will publish a list of farming words. Find them on your card and then scratch the gold panels to the right of each word. If you reveal a cash amount, you win outright or a share of the cash prize shown.
If you reveal 10 identical symbols over the eight weeks of the game, you gain entry into our £2000 cash prize draw. You must only scratch off the gold panel to the right of a published word. If you scratch off any panel next to a word not published, your card will be void.
Finally make sure you keep your Scratchmatch card in a safe place to ensure your chance of winning over the next seven weeks. Good luck.
WELCOME to FARMERS WEEKLYs new Scratchmatch game. Each week for the next eight weeks, we will be giving away £1000 plus the chance to win £2000 in our prize draw at the end of the competition.
Scratchmatch is free to enter and simple to play. So why not try your luck this week?
How to play
Each week FARMERS WEEKLY will publish a list of farming words. Find them on your card and then scratch the gold panels to the right of each word. If you reveal a cash amount, you win outright or a share of the cash prize shown.
If you reveal 10 identical symbols over the eight weeks of the game, you gain entry into our £2000 cash prize draw. You must only scratch off the gold panel to the right of a published word. If you scratch off any panel next to a word not published, your card will be void.
Finally make sure you keep your Scratchmatch card in a safe place to ensure your chance of winning over the next seven weeks. Good luck.
How to claim
1. Telephone the Farmers Weekly Scratchmatch card claims line on (01254-683555) between 10.00am and 3.30pm on the Monday after publication. No claims can be accepted outside these hours.
2. You must have your card with you when you telephone.
3. If you are unable to telephone, someone else can claim on your behalf, but they must have your card and call the Farmers Weekly Scratchmatch claims line within the stipulated times.
4. No responsibility can be accepted for failure to contact the claims office within the stated hours.
5. If you reveal 10 identical symbols, you gain entry into our £2000 prize draw. Send your card, along with your name and address to Farmers Weekly, PO Box No 79, Accrington, BB5 5GJ. Entries must be received by Mar 10, 1997. You can obtain a game card by telephoning (01628-660795).
1 The FW Scratchmatch game is free and purchase of farmers weekly is not necessary to participate.
2 FW Scratchmatch cards are available at the offices of farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.
3 The prize offered each week will be published in FW. In the event of more than one winner in any one week, the prize will be shared equally.
4 All claims are subject to scrutiny before payment.
5 Employees of Reed Business Information, farmers weekly, its printers, typesetters, Europrint Group Ltd., their agents and families are not allowed to play the Scratchmatch game.
6 Any card that is defaced, tampered with or incorrectly printed in any way will be declared void.
7 FW reserves the right to stop the Scratchmatch game at any time or to change the conditions governing the rules.
8 All participants will be deemed to have agreed to abide by the rules of which all instructions as to how to play and how to claim as printed in FW.
9 In all disputes, the Editors decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
10 In the event of the FW Scratchmatch words not being published, for whatever reason, the game will be suspended for that week.