AEA backing HSEs initiative to tackle power line dangers
AEA backing HSEs initiative to tackle power line dangers
UK sprayer manufacturers represented by the Agricultural Engineers Association is supporting the Health and Safety Executives initiative to highlight the potential dangers of folding and unfolding spray booms under or around power lines.
But the AEA cannot support the HSEs advice that if a boom folds or unfolds under 4m it is safe to do so under power lines.
According to the AEA, electricity boards will not confirm what is a safe distance to fold or unfold a boom under 11KVA power lines and recommend that all sprayer operators follow the advice outlined in the HSE Guidance Note GS6.
This states that sprayer booms should not be folded or unfolded within 9m horizontal distance of overhead power lines supported on wooden poles and 15m for those supported on metal towers and structures.
lThe HSE has recorded 25 incidents with sprayers being in contact with power lines during the period 1986 to 1999 which resulted in four deaths. *