Anglian unit offer

19 April 2002

Anglian unit offer

ANOTHER large East Anglian arable farm has just hit the market, this time courtesy of regional specialist Brown & Co.

Hall Farm, Saxlingham, nine miles from Norwich, features 671 acres of predominantly Grade 3 IACS-registered arable land and about 60 acres of woodland. But agent William Edward expects the 17th Century Grade 2 listed four-bedroomed farmhouse to attract a good chunk of the interest.

The surveyor doesnt discount a residential purchaser buying the entire property, guided at £2.55m, and renting out the land or having it contracted. &#42

"A 3% return on land compared to the stock market at the moment doesnt seem that appalling."

However, if owning over 700 acres of Norfolk appears too daunting a prospect the farm is also available in five lots. Mr Edwards is valuing the house and buildings plus 14 acres of land at £550,000. He reckons the units clay loam soil is worth £2800/acre.

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