Archive Article: 1997/01/24

24 January 1997

For half a century, cows have been milked at East Foscote Farm, Grittleton, Wilts. Last Thursday marked the end of an era, with the dispersal of Douglas Kings dairy herd

On offer were 120 homebred Holstein Friesian dairy cows, heifers and followers. The herds margin over concentrates was £1150.

Farmer Alan Hutton (right) is a well known face at dispersals. He came to this one with his cheque book, but left empty handed.

Above: Coats, scarves and hats are all very well but, when it comes to keeping out the cold, it is hard to beat a glass of warm, mulled wine. Handing it out were Susan King and Liz Stratton. Left: The reason youngstock was selling

so well, reckons Rodney Moody (right), is that replacements could soon be in short supply. Dairy cow prices have increased 50% compared with six months ago, when confidence hit an all-time low, he adds. Also on active service in the rostrum is David Brown.

Helper David Bowyer, seen here ready to direct one cow into the auction ring.

East Foscote Farm was blanketed by mist last Thursday. This dispersal followed the sale of the land close to the asking price of £3000/acre.

Heres to a job well done… Kevin Boulter, one of the behind-the-scenes staff, made sure everything was in the right place at the right time.

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