Archive Article: 2000/12/08

8 December 2000

LOOKING for something a bit more challenging than Monopoly to play this Christmas? Then Cut and Run could be the answer.

Launched this autumn by Philip Honey, son of Babs Honey, whose diary, carried on our Farmlife pages in the 1960s was hugely popular, Cut and Run is a board game based on gambling.

The aim is to buy a complete set of casinos, then outwit – and out-gamble – your opponents to cut and run with your winnings.

While it takes some time to understand the rules – particularly if you are a non-gambler – it is an exciting game. Its certainly different to others currently on offer, and would be ideal to play where you had enough time to play a practice game to understand the rules before getting into the cut throat atmosphere of a real game.

Cut and Run can be played by three to six players. How long each game will last depends very much on the players attitude to risk – and how willing they are to gamble their way to success. Its a good Christmas present option for anyone old enough to understand gambling, but is probably too complex for children.

Costing £29.95 plus post and packing, it can be ordered from the Cut and Run web-site and delivered within 48 hours, or can be bought from London stores. EP

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