Archive Article: 2001/01/19

19 January 2001

&#8226 OUTDOOR pig producers should review their disease security after the recent swine fever outbreak, says Cotswold. It advises that where a unit borders a road, track or footpath, double fencing should be erected, with a buffer zone between, so the distance from public areas to the pigs prevents sandwiches being thrown across. Prominent signs discouraging people from feeding stock should also be displayed, it adds.

&#8226 FIND out more about improving profits from suckler cows, feeding appropriately and better welfare at a series of ADAS meetings sponsored by MAFF. The free meetings will look at cow and calf nutrition, cow body condition, outwintering and controlling stress – all aimed at enhancing profitability without compromising health and welfare.

Meetings throughout England start on Jan 23, running to Feb 2. For more details contact Christine Jones at ADAS Cardiff (029-2089 9103).

&#8226 FIND out more about pig management through a new internet site ( The site includes basic information on production, a web index to other related sites, a research article database and a bulletin board. &#42

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