Archive Article: 2001/10/20

20 October 2001

Xi19 on trial

NEW wheat Xi19 is not one for early sowing, according to trials done by Advanta Seeds.

By early, the company means up to mid-September. If sown then, rapid development – perhaps just 187 days – up to first node (GS31) might create a too "leggy" plant, and put the embryonic ear at risk from frost in late February to early March. For comparison, early sown Consort or Savannah take 203 days to reach GS31.

When drilled in October, Xi19 shows slower development. Last seasons results show the variety to mirror Consort and Savannah, in trials sown on 26 October. In a look-see at late February drilling dates, the wheat reverts to fast development, reaching GS30/31 after just 87 days, far ahead of Consort at 95 days.

"This confirms our advice that Xi19 should not be drilled in the first half of September," says Advantas Paul Hickman. "The earliest optimum drilling date for Xi19 in the southern half of the UK should be early October, but that date could be brought forward to the latter part of September as you move north of the Wash."

Yield results from the 2001 harvest, in NIAB trials commissioned by Advanta, show the variety gave 13.7t/ha when drilled on 26 September, compared with 13.4t/ha drilled on 14 Oct (see graph).

To achieve top milling protein spec with Xi19, fertiliser management may need attention. Trials done by the Arable Research Centre point to best results, and a 12% DM protein, from a late foliar N treatment of 40kg/ha, with sulphur, over and above what would be standard N application for feed wheat. The addition of sulphur lifted grain protein by 0.5%.

"If more nitrogen is applied, Xi19 does take in more. Liquid N plus sulphur shows the best overall protein yield results," says Mr Hickman.

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