Archive Article: 2001/12/14

14 December 2001

Stephen and Frances Britten

SHUTE Farm Studio has been converted over the past 10 years from derelict farm buildings into art studios. It provides facilities for stone and wood carving, painting of all kinds, life drawing, calligraphy, illustrations, writing, modelling, sculpture and wood engraving.

The studios are a part of Green Farm, Downhead in Somerset, home of Stephen and Frances Britten – the fifth generation to farm there. The farm milks 300 dairy cows and grows 12ha (30 acres) of seed potatoes. It has won awards for dairy herd management and wildlife conservation, but is situated in a designated quarry area.

The studio offers a sense of achievement and creativity for the wider community, the emphasis being on learning and healing through the pursuit of art and the continuation of ancient art skills for the benefit of future generations.

The purpose of the studio is to give the less able, together with the able-bodied, the freedom to be creative and to explore the arts in as many forms as possible. The studio offers talented artists the chance to share their technical knowledge and expertise in a supportive environment.

The opportunity for the development of the studios arose with the help of an inheritance. A two-storey barn was converted into working studios. A few years later an adjoining building was refurbished, providing a disabled shower room, kitchen, kiln room and office. A specially designed accessible garden designed by Kevin McCloud is in the process of being developed.

The farm and studio have formed a link with local childrens charity MultiA, hoping to offer less fortunate and deprived children the chance to experience art and the countryside. This would build on the successes already being experienced. A redundant printer now carves stone full-time and there are increasing numbers of students attending the different courses.

There are plans to develop an adjoining disused building into a gallery and museum. This will depend largely on a source of outside funding, grants and – hopefully – sponsorships in the coming year.

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