Archive Article: 2002/07/26

26 July 2002

Meat strips go down well at Royal Welsh

The faces of people tasting meat strips for the first time should convince directors of Farmers First that their first foray into processing has every chance of success. The tender chip sized strips of forequarter lamb and beef were a big success with crowds at the Royal Welsh Show.

Aria Foods, the wholly own subsidiary of Farmers First, which is to market them across Europe, has a potential 420m customers on its doorstep. We wish it well.

Meanwhile, congratulations to the organisers of the Royal Welsh Show. The event drew 100,000 people in the first two days. The secret, say those who run the event, is simple – they refuse to sideline farming.

Run by an army of volunteers, with hardly a bowler hat in sight, the Royal Welsh has avoided the elitist stuffiness of some less successful events. Long may it continue.

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