Attorney General will lead
Attorney General will lead
fight against F&M inquiry
By Mike Stones
ATTORNEY General Lord Goldsmith QC – the governments leading legal adviser – has been recruited to put DEFRAs case against a public inquiry into foot-and-mouth at next months judicial review hearing in Londons High Court.
The move reveals the strength of the legal case for a public inquiry, says law specialist Tim Russ, of West Country law firm Clarke Willmott Clarke. His firm, together with Welsh firm Gabb and Co and Bristol-based Burges Salmon, hope the judicial review will force the government to hold a public inquiry.
"Lord Goldsmiths appointment shows the government takes our challenge terribly seriously. He is one of the best barristers. Before accepting a massive pay cut to take up his present job, he used to earn £1m/year doing commercial legal work" said Mr Russ.
After hearing evidence from DEFRA and the three law firms, represented by leading barrister Richard Lissack, on Tue, Feb 19, Lord Justice Simon Brown and Mr Justice Scott Baker could order the government to hold a public inquiry.
Despite the high profile appointment, Mr Russ remains optimistic about the likelihood of forcing a government U-turn. "Lord Goldsmith is one of the nations best legal brains but even the best of surgeons cant cure an incurable case," said Mr Russ.
The cost of the legal action is being partly underwritten by farmers weekly, Western Morning News and Western Mail newspapers.
The case for a public inquiry is also being supported by the BBC and leading newspaper groups, including the Telegraph Group, Associated Newspapers, which owns the Daily Mail and Evening Standard, and the Mirror Group. *
• Born Peter Goldsmith, Liverpool 1950.
• First class honours degree from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and masters degree from University of London.
• Called to the Bar, Grays Inn in 1972.
• Queens Counsel in 1987
• Crown Court Recorder in 1989.
• Deputy High Court Judge in 1994.
• Life Peer in 1999.
• Attorney General 2001.
• Married with four children and lives in London.
Leading barrister Richard Lissack will put the case for a public inquiry during the judicial review hearing at Londons High Court.