Auto feeders give broilers equal chance

21 November 1997

Auto feeders give broilers equal chance

GIVE female broilers an equal chance to feed and help ensure uniform growth by using an automated feed system with a high-capacity conveyor, says equipment supplier Sterling Equipment.

It says the Big Dutchman Repromatics feed conveyor holds 750g between feed pans, so that the 350-380g pans are filled at the same time. Delivering feed to all pans at once ensures a feed space for each bird, so preventing them running between pans to steal feed from smaller birds, adds Sterling Equipment. The aim is to ensure all females reach sexual maturity and laying peak within a tight time span.

The Repromatic system also features feed pans with adjustable grille gaps and an anti-roost wire above the conveyor to prevent birds stealing feed.

It costs about £1.60 a bird place (01765-605999, fax 01765-608014).

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