Beef-on-the-bone back this week?

29 November 1999

Beef-on-the-bone back this week?

THE government wants to lift the beef-on-the-bone ban this week, according to various reports including The Times.

Hopes have been raised by a report from scientists at Oxford University which has concluded that the meat is safe.

The Oxford report has been sent to chief medical officers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Agriculture minister Nick Brown has been ready to lift the ban for England after advice from Englands chief medical officer Liam Donaldson,.

But because food safety is a devolved issue Mr Brown has waited for the health officers in the other countries to be convinced.

The Oxford study is thought to have confirmed that there had been no cases of BSE discovered in any animal born in 1996 or subsequently.

Tony Blair, the prime minister, has called a “beef summit” on Wednesday to consider ways of boosting British beef.

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