Blight fungicide launch backed with bold claims
Blight fungicide launch backed with bold claims
By Andrew Swallow
BLIGHT control as good or better than fluazinam or cymoxanil is the claim Interfarm UK makes for new mid- to late-season potato blight product Electis (zoxium + mancozeb) launched this week.
The Rohm and Haas active ingredient zoxium has a completely new mode of action and is the first totally new blight fungicide launched in the UK since 1994, says Interfarms David Stormonth.
"It is very different to any current blight fungicide or any that are likely to come in the next few years. That means it is a terrific weapon in the armoury to deal with resistance."
Zoxium is non-systemic, locking into the waxy-layer of the leaf. That compliments mancozebs protectant mode of action and makes it more rainfast than any other blight product, he says.
"Within six hours of an application you can drench it and it sticks, which is important to growers who irrigate."
Formulated as a water dispersible granule, the recommended rate of Electis is 1.8kg/ha in 200-600 litres/ha of water. It can be used up to ten times a season, on a minimum interval of seven days.
Interfarm expects Electis to take 6% of the UK blight fungicide market this year. Initially only 3ha (7.4-acre) packs will be available through most of the main distributors.
"We believe that this product will set a new standard for potato blight control and will probably be priced in the market to reflect those technical strengths. However, farm price will depend on individual grower/ distributor relationships," comments Dr Stormonth. *
• New blight fungicide.
• Zoxium + mancozeb WDG.
• Dual non-systemic MOA.
• Beats fluazinam/cymoxanil?