Border B&Ws please

28 August 1998

Border B&Ws please

TRADE at the Border Counties Holstein Friesian Breeders Clubs sale at Carlisle was "better than anticipated", said auctioneer Edward Brown.

Several heifers made 1000gns including the overall champion from Dick and Robert Butterfields Ingleview herd at Bentham, Lancaster. Their Donnandale Skychief daughter, the three-weeks calved heifer Ingleview Fanta 3rd, is out of an Ingleview Neptune sired cow with heavy milking coming through from her Clairdale Willow sired maternal grand-dam.

T C Alderson and Son were making their first visit to Carlisle with stock from their Twylands herd at Northallerton, North Yorks, and shared the 1000gns top price with a Canadian import. Their Stairway Astre Babe, bred out of a Valiant Tab dam and with consistent five-figure yields up to 12,900kg behind her via her Flintstone Royal Adam-sired maternal grand-dam, she was claimed by Cumbria buyers Alan and Christine Watson who run the Lillyhall herd at Cockermouth.

Averages: 10 cows in-milk £718 and 36 heifers in-milk £816. (Harrison and Hetherington)

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