BSE advisors may end debate secrecy
18 December 2000
BSE advisors may end debate secrecy
By FWi staff
MOVES towards greater openness in debates over BSE are being considered by Government advisors, reports The Daily Telegraph.
The Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC) is said to be divided over proposals to hold meetings in public.
The move towards openness is backed by SEAC member Professor John Collinge of St Marys Hospital, London, says the newspaper.
He is reported to believe it is important to show that health and scientific issues are far from clearcut and illustrate uncertainties.
But other members are said to fear that the committees work could be misrepresented by the media.
- Consumers on BSE committee, FWi, 31 July 1997
- The Daily Telegraph 18 December 2000 page 5
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