Calved heifers average £1194
Calved heifers average £1194
CALVED Holstein Friesian heifers averaged £1194 at the Lancashire and Adjacent Counties breed club fixture at Lancaster.
It was an entry from Jim Burrow and Sons herd at Preston that drew the sales highest call when their Stardale Royal Stella, a daughter of Joylan Royal Flush, made 1500gns. Buyer was Aubrey Greenhalgh, Elswick, Preston.
Drinkall Bros Pennine Eba 32nd, a calved Skybuck heifer from their herd at Over Wyresdale, Lancaster, realised 1450gns to T Somerville, Penrith.
Kirkwood Sally 42nd, a Rorae Matt calved heifer from J and * W Cornthwaite and Sons, Garstang, Lancs stood champion and sold for 1000gns to J Ramsey, Bedale, North Yorks.
AVERAGES: 27 calved heifers £1194 and five cows £1171. (Norton and Brooksbank with Lancaster Auction Mart)