Chance of collaboration

16 June 2000

Chance of collaboration

CATTLE TB research is likely to benefit greatly from collaboration with scientists studying human TB, according to Jo Colston, head of the Medical Research Councils mycobacterial research.

He is also advising on MAFFs cattle and badger vaccine program-me, which started about a year ago.

"There is a considerable cross-over between human and cattle TB research, and the approach to developing a vaccine for cattle is modelled on work in human vaccines.

But in future, the human work will benefit from the cattle project because we can test candidate vaccines on cattle."

However, he warns that producing a cattle vaccine will be a long-term project. "It may take 15 years to produce one." &#42

TB forum at the Royal Show

Want to know more about TB or have your say about its control? MAFF staff and members of the Independent Scientific Group will be available to answer your queries at the Royal Show on 3-5 July on their dedicated TB information stand south of the Grand Ring on block 63, stand number M402.

Seminars will also run on the stand each day. Find out about Reducing the risk of a herd TB incident on Mon July 3 at 11am, and Looking at the long-term – a scientific approach to tackling TB in cattle at 2.30pm on Mon 3 and Tue 4 July, respectively. On 4 July, experts will speak on Dealing with herd breakdowns – practical advice at 11am.

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