Child obesity prompts MDC guide

SCARES OF increased obesity in children have prompted the Milk Development Council to release a healthy eating guide for schools which could boost milk consumption.

The report, Facing The Food Issue, gives teachers and governors advice for setting up healthy eating schemes in schools.

It highlights methods of improving nutrition as a whole but the benefits of milk consumption are also covered extensively.

The report points out that increased fluid intake is linked to improvements in concentration and reduces classroom disruption.

Enterprising schools are used in the report to illustrate the different approaches that can be used to improve meals.

One school was reported to have opted out of local authority meals altogether and employed a cook to produce its own food.

Subsidised fruit, vegetable and milk schemes are also reported to have been successful.

The publication also emphasizes the importance of educating students and parents to the benefits of eating a good diet, with concerns of poor meals at home and in lunch boxes.

Many teachers reported significant improvements in children‘s performance when they received a balanced diet.

“I believe passionately, and have seen with my own eyes, that well-nourished children have improved powers of concentration and achievement,” said Charles Dickens primary school headteacher, Elizabeth Owens.

To obtain a copy of the report contact, quoting “Facing The Food Issue.

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