CLA calls for a revised MAFF

09 September 1997

CLA calls for a revised MAFF

By FWi staff

WITH the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) likely to receive a shake-up under the Governments review of all ministries, the Country Landowners Association has put forward its views on how the department should be reformed.

The CLA says a brand-new department of Countryside and Agriculture should be set up to “champion” Englands case in Europe and manage countryside policy.

The CLA claims that the new department could take over the countryside role of Department of Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR), MAFF, Forestry Commission, English Nature, Countryside Commission and the Rural Development Commission.

It is likely that MAFF will lose its food responsibilities to the proposed independent Food Standards Agency following widespread criticism over its handling of food scares such as BSE and salmonella in eggs.

CLA director of policy Tony Bailey said the association is calling on the Government to put in place three major policies when reforming MAFF including;

  • Making sure British agriculture is competitive in world markets;

  • Supporting positive and wide-ranging environmental programmes; and

  • Developing rural communities, diversifying rural economies and support positive socio-economic programmes.

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