Come to Cambridge for a great and relaxing break
Come to Cambridge for a great and relaxing break
THE Farm Womens Club February break will be in Cambridge over the weekend Fri, Feb 19, to Sun, Feb 21, 1999, at the Royal Cambridge Hotel, Trumpington Street.
This Georgian hotel is in the city centre, has ample car parking and is convenient for the museums, colleges and shops. Husbands are welcome to join us for this relaxing break which starts with an informal dinner on Friday evening. A guided walking tour on Saturday morning will take in the picturesque Trinity College with its magnificent great court. Saturday afternoon is free for you to explore, shop or relax. Dinner on Saturday evening will be followed by entertainment.
On Sunday morning we hope to attend Kings College Chapel and hear the wonderful choristers.
The cost for the weekend is £130 which includes:
• 2 nights dinner, bed and
• Saturday morning
walking tour
• Saturday evening
If you wish to stay on for the Sunday night the extra charge is £40 which includes dinner and breakfast.
To reserve your place complete the coupon below and send it with cheque or postal order for the full amount to FWC February Weekend, FARMERS WEEKLY, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Farm Womens Club.
Bookings close Jan 5, 1999.
Farm Womens Club Cambridge weekend
I wish to reserve……………….. places on the Cambridge weekend
*I/We wish to stay for two nights (Fri, Feb 19 and Sat, Feb 20, 1999)
for which the cost is £130/person.
*I/We wish to stay for three nights (Fri, Feb 19 to Sun, Feb 21,1999) for which the cost is £170/person. (Delete as appropriate)
………………………………………. Tel:………………………………………..
Accommodation required:……….. Twin………… Double………….. Single room(s)………………………………………………………………….
I enclose a cheque for £…………………..
Please return this form together with a cheque or postal order made payable to Farm Womens Club to arrive by Jan 5, 1999.
Mark envelope: FWC Cambridge Weekend and send to FARMERS WEEKLY, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.