Commercial HF makes 1200gns

4 April 1997

Commercial HF makes 1200gns

A COMMERCIAL heifer by Sunny Boy made the top price at the March sale of Holstein Friesians at Ross-on-Wye.

Consigned by L and V Bundy, Eldersfield, Glos, this freshly-calved heifer made 1200gns to R C Lowe, Winterbourne, Bristol.

Two other calved heifers made 1000gns to the same buyer. One was by Exranco Jake consigned by J Brown, Purton, Worcs; and the other was by Sunnylodge Sam from A and J Williams, Newton St Margarets, Hereford.

In-calf heifers sold to 1030gns given by G Turbutt, Monmouth, for a daughter of Pidgeonwood Red from P Goodhew, Ledbury.

LEADING AVERAGES: Calved heifers £1120; in-calf heifers £1013; calved cows £945. (Gwilym Richards with Williams and Watkins)

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