Computerised milk records

21 March 1997

Computerised milk records

COMPUTERISED milk recording in the parlour has been launched by NMR. The service, based on a program developed and used by Dairy Herd Improvement – the USs equivalent to NMR – is being phased in across the country over the next nine months.

The program will cost the same – or less – than the current system being used by NMR, according to national field executive Frank Armitage.

Data is sent back to Harrogate or Yeovil on disk, alongside the milk samples. Full reports are mailed back to customers, and results are also available for producers with their own computer system.

Producers will also receive reports, including one which compares subsequent monthly recordings and highlights any anomalies, before the contractor leaves the farm.

COMPUTERISED milk recording in the parlour has been launched by NMR. The service, based on a program developed and used by Dairy Herd Improvement – the USs equivalent to NMR – is being phased in across the country over the next nine months.

The program will cost the same – or less – than the current system being used by NMR, according to national field executive Frank Armitage.

Data is sent back to Harrogate or Yeovil on disk, alongside the milk samples. Full reports are mailed back to customers, and results are also available for producers with their own computer system.

Producers will also receive reports, including one which compares subsequent monthly recordings and highlights any anomalies, before the contractor leaves the farm.

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