Computers are key to farming success
27 August 1998
Computers ‘are key to farming success’
FARMERS must learn to love computers and information technology if they are to survive and prosper in future, according to Ed Rainy Brown, chief executive of the Scottish National Farmers Union (SNFU).
The union is looking at how it can encourage members to use the new technology for market information and for more interactive links from branches to regional groups and headquarters.
Proposals are being considered to encourage members to get computer kit.
The encouragement of computing in the SNFU comes at a time when the union is considering a radical shake-up of its own organisation. It is expected to make an announcement soon on the future of the business services division and its team of staff.
Mr Rainy Brown is continuing discussions with the NFU in England and Wales to collaborate on items such as membership data bases.
- The Herald 27/08/98 page 24