Correction and apology
31 August 2001
Correction and apology
In a previous version of the article “Inquiry chief linked to virus scare” published on this website on 29 August 2001, it was suggested that livestock on Mr John Horncastles farm had lesions which were believed to be about three weeks old and that this raised the possibility that the disease spread before it was discovered.
This was incorrect.
The Divisional Veterinary Manager, Arthur Griffiths, indicated that a number of lesions between 4 to 8 days old had been found in the Allendale area, and made no specific reference to any farm.
There was no intention in the article to infer inappropriate action on the part of Mr Horncastle, North Country Primestock Limited (the company of which Mr Horncastle is managing director) or Sir Don Curry (Chairman of North Country Primestock) in his visits to other farms.
We are happy to correct this matter and apologise to Mr Horncastle, North Country Primestock Limited and Sir Don Curry for any distress or embarrassment caused.