Tractor driver fined for rail line near-miss

A tractor driver in Scotland has been fined after putting lives at risk after a near miss at a rail crossing.
Robert Mclean, 56, was ordered to pay £1600 after he admitted crossing a user-operated railway crossing seconds before a train passed.
The train driver was forced to use the emergency brakes, coming to a stop two train lengths beyond the crossing, Elgin Sheriff Court was told.
The incident, next to Christie-Elite Nurseries at Bogton Road, Forres, left the train driver too shaken to continue.
Mr Mclean, of Bogston Road, Forres, admitted to failing to follow instructions on using the crossing and failure to get permission to cross the tracks from the signaller.
The court heart the train had been travelling at about 70mph when it approached the crossing.
The train driver saw a tractor cross the tracks “with seconds to spare”.
Mr Mclean was told his decision not to phone the signaller had put lives in danger.