Dales walk tested our powers of puff
Dales walk tested our powers of puff
WHEN I arrived at Elaine Butterfields home, Linghaw Farm, Bentham, Elaine and her eldest daughter Sandra (16) were just finishing the afternoon milking and so I was welcomed by Pamela (14) and Kathryn (11).
Elaine is one of the contact leaders for Lancashire and her groups August meeting took the form of an evening walk over the dales behind Ingleton. The climb was exhilarating and it was interesting to see how many members could talk and walk at the same time. Unfortunately, Elaines mother-in-law Annie fell while climbing over a drystone wall and much of her evening was spent at the Lancaster Infirmary.
I spent a lot of the evening chatting to another member, Pat Lewthwaite who had just completed a tandem skydive for charity, having done a bungee jump last year with no ill effects.
Jean Howells
Kathryn Butterfield, one of the very young farm women who welcomed Jean.