Dalgetys Siberia is yield record-breaker

By FWi staff

THE latest addition to the National Institute of Agricultural Botany list released on Friday has broken all previous yield records.

Siberia is the latest introduction from Dalgety Arable and offers considerable benefits for both mixed and arable farmers looking to achieve more output per hectare, claims Dalgety.

The success of Siberia is due to a combination of hitherto unseen variety traits, said David Neale, Dalgety Arable national seed manager.

“It rewrites the book of six-row barley. The agronomic scores on the Recommended List are as good as any two-row, with NIAB ratings of nine and seven for straw strength and shortness respectively, BYMV resistance and excellent ear retention,” he said.

NIAB figures show Siberia gives an extra 5% yield compared with typical six-rows, and a full 11% over two-row feed varieties.

“With barley at £70/t, that is a benefit of over £50/ha,” said Mr Neale.

Dalgety Arable has prepared specific management advice for growers based on research at the companys Throws Farm and also in Scotland.

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