Dont reject GMs, warns RASE

7 June 2000

Dont reject GMs, warns RASE

BRITAIN must not reject genetically modified technology at a time when agriculture is in a state of crisis, claims the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

The society, whose president is Prince Philip, said GM technology released benefits for medicine, and if consumers saw benefits in food, their attitude could change, reports The Daily Telegraph.

In a new report the society attributes the blame for the slump in farming to an absence of clear policy and economic problems caused by the strength of sterling.

The Telegraph also reports that no GM crops will be displayed at the Cereals 2000 show in Lincolnshire later this month.

Biotechnology companies said they have made a commercial decision not to include GM exhibits. Last year protestors destroyed demonstration sugar beet plots at the show.

Meanwhile, the split in the Royal Family over GM technology continues to attract attention.

Prince Philip and Princess Anne have spoken out in favour of the technology, placing themselves at odds with Prince Charles, an outspoken opponent of GM experiments.

But now The Times reports that the Princess Royal has rowed back on her support for GM crops.

On Tuesday (06 June) the Princess told nutritionists that her open mind on GM technology should not be confused with an endorsement.

The newspaper says the Princess was clearly irritated that she had been seen as a GM zealot.

In a leading article The Daily Telegraph says if Royal pro-GM remarks mark the start of a fightback by biotech supporters it will be a very good thing.

  • Daily Telegraph 07/06/2000 pages 4 and 29
  • The Times 07/06/2000 page 1, 4, 22 and 23

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