Exmoor estate has appeal for amenity buyer
Exmoor estate has appeal for amenity buyer
OVER 600 acres of land in or near Exmoor National Park are soon to be put on the market by Knight Frank.
The 431-acre Horlock House Estate, near Hawkridge, Somerset, is more likely to appeal to an amenity buyer rather than a purely agricultural producer.
Agent James Crawford says the estate has great diversification and conservation potential. It has some of the best quality salmon fishing south of the Scottish borders, with 1.15 miles of double and single bank fishing on the River Barle.
This has yet to be managed to its full potential, adds Mr Crawford, who believes that when combined with three estate cottages it could be a good revenue earner.
A stable yard and 61 acres of ESA hill-land offer the opportunity for further diversification.
There are also 331 acres of woodland designated as an SSSI, currently let to the Exmoor National Park Authority. Under the terms of the agreement, commercial shooting would not be allowed although rough shooting for wild pheasant and pigeon is permissible.
The 10-bedroomed principal dwelling is in need of internal reorganisation, but Mr Crawford says it is in good order structurally. The property will be available as a whole for in excess of £1.7m or as six lots.
Knight Frank is also offering Westcott Farm, Oakford, Devon, in conjunction with local agent Stags. Just to the south of Exmoor, the farm has 200 acres of pastureland and amenity woodland and a recently renovated six-bedroomed house. The guide is in the region of £920,000.